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The Timelessness of Time

The world is a society governed by ideas.
The world will pay you if you are an idea reservior or a storehouse full of excellent ideas.

Ideas lost are destinies wasted.

Imagine if Bill Gates hadn't been born, many people's destiny would have been furtile.

Imagine if Zukkerberg had been loafing about in the gutters after being drunk to stupor till date, his name wouldn't have been printed on the sands of time.

Time waits for no one. A second lost can never be regained.

Sit still and count with me: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7! Guess what! You've just lost 7 seconds of your time doing NOTHING! Oh sorry you were counting! Smiles.

And you know what?
You can NEVER regain it!

You don't age by years.
You don't age by months.
You don't age by weeks.
You don't age by days.
You don't age by hours.
You don't age by seconds! Oops!


How difficult is it to split a second?

Well, the truth is:
As time rolls out in SPLITS of seconds, you are getting older and nearer your GRAVE.
Stop right there in your tracks, look back at time, and ask yourself:
How many lives have i touched?
How many destinies have I changed for good?
How many years do I have left to live on planet earth?
Presumably a 100 years. Or 120 years?
Now subtract your current age from say 120 years. How many years do you have left??
Are you ready to make a decision? Are you ready to change your world?
Throw away all those blame we put on others.

Oh, its my father, its my mother, its the government.
The country is bad, the leaders are corrupt ....
Those excuses will leave you wallowing in the pit of misery and penury, worthlessness and uselessness.
Men of fortune never give excuses.
They never place blames on others.
They have this drive to keep on moving.
They know the economy is bad, but they cant just stop trying.
They know things are bad, but they still put in their last card.
They know life is not a bed of roses, yet they still bend their backs in their gardens planting worn out roses.

And the sun will shine on the roses.
They will stretch forth. The rains will refresh their leaves and the worn out roses shall blossom. Their scent shall fill the air. The fragrance shall make men wonder, and every head shall turn back to congratulate the GARDENER.

He shall not bend his backs anymore. He shall sit in his throne and his bedside shall be decked with his roses.
These are men that know the worth of time and ideas!
So get up from your comfort zone, wipe the sleep from your eyes, don't forget the spittle dried up down your jaw, wipe that too.
Take a quick shower. No time to lazy about.
Put on your wears. A simple foot covering will do just fine, and don't forget your: WATCH to keep TIME!

Get into the street. The sun is risen already. Brace up yourself. Don't sweat yet, the day's just starting.
Look up for a moment and watch the throng. They need help. The crowd, they need ideas. Your watch, you don't have time.
On your marks, set!! Off you go!!! To a race that never ends till your clocks reads 00:00:00__.

And no! that's not the end of time. Time's just begun.


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