Below are the faces (emoticons) that are very popular on Nairaland.
Faces And Their Brief Description
smiling face.
Sure you can use that to indicate that you're happy about a topic or a comment.
it's like saying "cheese" when taking a photograph. It's a way of showing
happiness and fun
in a greater degree.
and just as the name denotes, it shows that the user is definitely annoyed and even mad either at the author of the post (popularly reffered to as OP) or a comment by someone. You might want to check yourself twice before "Quoting" one who says "I'm angry!"
face. It shows total offence to the issue at hand. The user tries to show that he/she is not just happy about the issue. Situations that might trigger the use of this face ranges from Crimes such as rape, theft, to bad incidents such as accidents etc.
as the name implies, the use of this face shows the state of it's user. Words such as speechless, mindblown, surprised etc, are synonyms which describe this face. The user tries to express his outter shock and disbelief at the issue on ground. He thinks and assume how on earth such event might happen or occur.
it's the Westerner's way of saying "Kilode" in yoruba, "O gini" in Igbo and "Abin" in Hausa. It's used mainly if the issue posted is not clear enough, distorted infos, unknown grammatical expressions or foolish or unwise statements. It's use actually varies from user to user.
face is a way of playfully showing a disapproval to something or someone. It's use is similar to the physical sticking out of the tongue, either to jeer, mock or make fun of something or someone.
It means exactly what the name implies: that you're extremely embarrassed by someone or something. The little patches on either side of the cheek of the face directly implifies the 'colours' that rises on our cheeks when we feel embarrassed in real life.
clearly tells us that the user seeks to remain silent on the issue at hand, either because he's not prepared to say something yet, or he's not willing to speak at all. Yet also it could mean he has nothing to say or he is - like is commonly used on Social Media - 'just passing'
face signifies a sign of affection used by someone for some other person(s). Same gender usage could signify gay or lesbianism, and as such usage is maximumly reduced to opposite gender, whose significance actually is just for 'fun' and nothing else, at least none that the other members are aware of.
as its name implies signifies the total emotional breakdown of the user. He or she is severely touched by the issue on hand or relating to Reply or a Quote. Though this face shows grave emotional condition than
there is still chances that it might be used just for the fun of it, to show mere disapproval that might not even warrant tears.
seeks the attention of the recipient(s).
is one of the most popular faces on Nairaland. It shows one in a jolt between two decisions. Though its use at times differ from person to person. It could also be used as a 'critic' element.
is the most widely used face on Nairaland. Its significance ranges from grinnings, mockery to full blown laughter, which actually acts as a 'synonym' to LOL.
as the name implies is another way of giving a 'thumbs up' to a post, a reply or an idea.
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