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Back To The Origin: The Tree of The Soul-consciousness

Back to the origin - the tree of the soul-consciousness
Image by Mescopaul's Blog - The Tree of the Soul-consciousness

Many call it the tree of death, the Bible calls it the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
In my own opinion, the tree or it's fruit wasn't the problem, that was not what made man or gave man the sin nature. Man got the sin nature not because they ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but because they OBEYED Satan.
Who you obey becomes your Lord, and the servant does not have a life of his own; he lives out the life of his master.
So man got the nature of sin, not because he ate of a tree, but because he obeyed the devil, and so he became the servant of the devil in accordance to the spiritual law of 'becoming by obedience.'


We (man) would still have eaten from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (which I call the tree of the human/soul life).

Being conscious of yourself or your soul is not the problem, God intended us to be, he had plans for that, Adam was not just patient enough and so he achieved soul-consciousness in a fallen state. He became conscious of a soul that answers  to the desires of sin.

The Two Trees

We have two trees; the tree of life and the tree of the soul or human life.
If man had waited a little longer before making the wrong choice, for God to perfect his work, man would still have eaten or be permitted to eat from the tree of the soul and man wouldn't have died, (because the power of death wasn't in the tree but a consciousness. Death was in disobeying God and obeying the devil.) Man's eyes would have been opened, he will know good and evil (because both forces were present on earth at that time), but because man's creation had not been perfected, God barred man from eating from the tree of the soul, so that  they wouldn't become ruled by their soul's consciousness.

Being ruled by the soul is what God meant when he said, "If you die"
To be ruled by the soul (especially the soul in the fallen state) is death.

The Man of the Soul

Man obeyed Satan and two things happened to him.
1. He died - had soul-consciousness as the ruling consciousness.
2. He got the sin nature.

Let's assume the devil didn't tempt man and man on his own disobeyed God and ate of the tree of the soul, man would still have "died" (have the soul-consciousness as the ruling consciousness), but he wouldn't have the nature of sin.

He would have had a nature no doubt, but since he listened to and OBEYED himself, he would have had the nature of man, and his redemption would have been less "stressful."

An important question is this.
Was man forced to obey Satan? 

The answer is simple, NO. Man choose to obey Satan out of his own freewill and power of choice. So in essence, man OBEYED HIMSELF first, by agreeing with Satan to obey Satan.
Know that the devil can never force you to do his bidding. He only entices you. He can only force to a great extent those that have his nature, and before Adam agreed to obey Satan, Adam didn't have the nature of Satan, so man decided all by himself to make the choice of obeying the devil.

This brings us to the fact that three things happened to man - against two as mentioned earlier.

1. He died - his soul became the ruling consciousness.
2. He got the sin nature - from obeying Satan.
3. He got the nature of man (what some clerics call the man of man) - from obeying himself.

Back to Original Design

So, for us to return to original design, we must fix all three.

1. We must get rid of the nature of sin - Born again.
2. We must transfer consciousness to the spirit - Sanctification.
3. We must get rid of the man nature - Sanctification and Glorification.

The Big Picture

So, the tree of the soul/human is not the cause of our problem, our obedience to Satan and to our-self is the cause of our problem. This is why Jesus talked of self-denial - this means disobeying yourself to obey God.

God NEVER intended man to be spirit-conscious only, if he did, then it was useless putting man on earth, because earth is not spiritual, and it requires physical beings to dwell here.

God's intent was for man to be spirit, soul and body conscious.

That means God had plans for us to eat of the tree of soul-consciousness (tree of knowledge of good and evil).
Adam and Eve just went too fast and made a mess of the whole process. God needed to form and build man's consciousness ruler first, then allow him to eat of the tree of good and evil and then the tree of life.
At the state where his spirit-consciousness rules his soul and body consciousness, he will be able to know and see both good and evil, but still choose good over evil any day and at anytime.

He would have lived forever in this state, because he would be eating from the tree of life and God would have had his purpose achieved, but Adam and Eve went ahead of God and the result is the introduction of two natures ruling the creature that Elohim made - The nature of sin and the nature of man.


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